Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Umbilical Hernia

It was my second to watch this surgery, umbilical Hernia.

I realized that I've been into OR, more than 10 times so far even though I feel like I've started this internship since last week. Time goes by so fast!
There are so many things I don't know about "the wonderland of SURGEONS" yet. I'm getting to know a lot of information thanks to extremely kind surgeons.
Today, I learned that there are two types of needles. One is continuous, which means it's longer than the other one and it needs to be cut by scissors. The other one is pop-off?, which means that the the needle can be apart from hook when the doctor pulls it away.
After the surgery ended, an anesthesiologist put a pipe into a patient's mouth and sucked yellow liquid out from the stomach as to prevent him from vomiting after waking up.
Also, when the patient peed without consciousness on an operating table, no one was screaming or something. People who were in OR, reacted really casually and gently. I was really surprised and impressed by how they reacted.
I had a long conversation with a doctor who was setting up the tools for the next surgery. It was really nice talking to him. When he asked me what I want to be, I said maybe Cardiovascular surgeon and he said to me, "you look like one with those two little hands that can allow you to operate gently and precisely." I was really happy when he told me this.
Today was another best day!


  1. Great post!

    It would be interesting for you to start piecing together some of your experiences - stitches, really! Reflect on the larger aspect of your work. What things go together? What interests you?

  2. Thank you for your suggestion!
